21 Dec 2011

Big flight of these small girls……

Meenakshi Jha is one of the Media Participants who travelled to Jabalpur for the Media Workshop organised by UNICEF.
By Meenakshi Jha.

If there is a will and determination to do something, then difficulties cannot stop your way. Two girls of Muzzafarpur in Bihar who had taken a pledge to change the picture of their village have done it with the help of UNICEF. These two girls have become role models for not only their village, but also for the neighboring areas. People salute their passion and look at them with astonishment, writes Meenakshi after paying a visit to Muzzafarpur.

The hard-working and committed girls of Bihar have made the elders lose their wits. The extent of knowledge of these girls about central and state government schemes have bemused all. The girls took a pledge to change the circumstances and through their determination even managed to achieve their goals. This scene is of Aitbarpur and Praruti villages of Muzzafarpur district. Neha Banoo of Aitbarpur and Tarannum Khatoon of Praruti who had embarked on a task, not only completed the job, but also astonished the people by implementing it successfully in many other villages.

20 Dec 2011

Weekend Course "Leadership in Public Health Management" - Jan to June 2012

Course Duration : January – June 2012

Application Deadline - 26 December 2011

Program will equip candidates with the management skills and leadership required to design, plan, manage and oversee public health programs and building technical capacity on public health issues.

Weekend Course -Leadership in Public Health Management

Mother and Child at Vaccination Booth at Chharch, M.P.

Mother Jiyo with her Child Poonam who is 3 Years 7 Days old  after Vaccination at Chharch, Madhya Pradesh
Photo Courtesy: Anil Gulati, Communication Specialist, UNICEF Bhopal.

15 Dec 2011

पेंटावलेंट वैक्सीन की लॉन्चिंग पर यूनिसेफ का मीडिया इंगेजमेंट प्रोग्राम

केंद्रीय स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय 14 दिसंबर से तमिलनाडु और केरल में पेंटावेलेंट वैक्सीन को रूटीन टीकाकरण का हिस्सा बनाने जा रहा है। इसी को मद्देनजर रखते हुए युनिसेफ ने हाल ही में केरल की राजधानी तिरुअनंतपुरम में एक मीडिया इंगेजमेंट प्रोग्राम आयोजित किया। उत्तर और दक्षिण भारत के कई शहरों से जुटे पत्रकारों ने इस प्रोग्राम में इस बात पर चर्चा की कि मीडिया को इस तरह के प्रयासों का कवरेज किस तरह करना चाहिए

14 Dec 2011

Radio: A Powerful Tool for Social Change

Radio gives a voice to the unheard , entertains and reaches the remotest corners of the county. With our focus on equity, the following two examples showcase our partnership with private radio which reaches out to peri urban and urban pockets .

13 Dec 2011

When a rural health centre works, it works wonders

यदि आप पत्रकार है

आप पत्रकार हैं तो बच्चों के हक में अपनी भूमिका को निभाएं। इस ब्लॉग के सदस्य बनें। फिर इस प्रकार की रपटों के संकलन में भागीदार बनें जो सकारात्मक रास्ते पर ले जाती हों। आपके पास कोई सुझाव हो तो उसे भी बताएं। ब्लॉग की सदस्यता लें। हमारा ईमेल पता है