Radio For RI

Why Radio and Role of RJ’S and RP’S
Why FM Radio ?

FM Radio, the oldest and the cheapest medium of entertainment in India is now the newest rage!! The radio industry has been completely reshaped by the various private players that entered the sector after the government allowed foreign investment into the segment and opened the licenses to private players.

India has an estimated 180 million radio sets, reaching over 99 percent of its one billion inhabitants - a clear indication of the vast potential in India for this medium.Satistics reveals:

  • FM Radio listener-ship habits have changed considerably; not only are listeners tuning into it more often but also sticking to radio for longer hours every day.
  • 90% of India has access to radio which is unmatched by any other media.
  • Radio reaches uneducated villagers who do not read print publications or newspapers, radio is the only medium they understand. They can’t afford a TV set. Therefore radio is more popular.
  • Being the least cost medium, it helps reach mass audience with various backgrounds. Radio offers its reach frequency and selectivity at one of the lowest costs per thousand with relatively inexpensive production.
  • Radio is a complement to another media. Therefore, other media or the advertisers or agency can use this medium for brand recall.

Why RJ’S and RP’S ?

When speaking about the power of FM Radio, one cannot ignore the "People behind the scenes" who make Radio happen, the Radio Jockeys, Producers and Radio Programmers.

Today's busy teenagers love radio because they connect to the RJ's &RP's, who complement their faster-paced lifestyle - they can listen to music and get information on the move. Younger audiences, particularly those below the age of 25, also have access to new technology like mobile phones. They have taken very quickly to interacting with their favorite radio stations and RJs via email and SMS for song requests and competitions.

Graph showing FM listeners across age groups

Graph showing FM listeners across age groups (Image Source:

With the wit / intellect and social connect of the RJ's & RP's FM Radio is not only building a stronger business future for India but also aiding development projects through their CSR (Corporate Social Initiatives)

Most FM Stations are already innovating,exploring and designing new paradigms for social programming. Be it the hugely popular campaigns on Delhi FM Stations to raise concern for girls safety issues after the Dec 16 2013 Gang-rape or initiatives to expose rampant corruption practices,information and awareness about traffic issues or regular Public Service messages.

Even more encouraging is that the Govt. of India is waking up to FM Radio's potential as a social catalyst. The National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), as part of its efforts to organise preventive and control measures against dengue fever, had decided to tap the reach of FM radio channels to spread the public health messages. Raising awareness of infectious diseases in a way in which the public could take an interest in health issues around them.

Radio has been successfully used in developing nations, especially in Africa, to propagate messages on women's health. Radio is the most accessible medium for people. While people might not be conscious listeners of health messages, these persistent messages often stay with them and can induce behavioural changes in the long run.

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