PUNE: The Union government's yellow fever vaccination centre, which was supposed to come up in the city two years back, is yet to take off as authorities have now decided to shift the venue of the centre to Aundh Civil Hospital instead of B J Medical College.
The change of location is due to the technical issues related to the procurement of medical equipment. "Earlier, we had decided to set up the centre at B J Medical College attached to Sassoon Hospital, which is under the Maharashtra government's Directorate of Medical Education and Research (DMER). There were some technical issues in terms of procurement of medical paraphernalia. We have now decided to set up the centre at Aundh Civil Hospital which comes under the Maharashtra government's Directorate Public Health Department," said Vasant Gokak, senior regional director (regional office) of the Union ministry of health and family welfare.
"If everything goes as per our plans, the centre will become functional within a month," he said, adding that the Union government has also proposed to set up two more centres in Aurangabad and Nagpur.
Gokak said that the aim is to cater to the large number of people travelling to endemic countries in Africa and South America. Currently, they have to go to Mumbai to get the shot and obtain the mandatory yellow fever vaccination certificate, in the absence of which, they do not get the permission to travel.
Yellow fever is an acute viral haemorrhaegic disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes. 'Yellow' refers to jaundice that affects some patients. There is no cure for yellow fever. Treatment is symptomatic and is aimed at reducing the symptoms. "There will be a one-room facility at the government health centre. It will be manned by a medical officer and a nurse. It will offer vaccination only on fixed days and during fixed hours for those travelling to yellow-fever endemic countries," said a state health official.
Certain countries in South Africa and South America require travelers to get the yellow fever vaccination certificate. Also, people coming to India from these countries need a certificate stating that he or she is vaccinated otherwise they are quarantined at the airport hospitals and kept under observation for 10 days.
A yellow fever vaccination certificate is valid only if it conforms to the model certificate. The validity period of the international certificate is 10 years, beginning 10 days after vaccination.
Foreign nationals residing or who have passed through the yellow fever endemic countries during the preceding six days, are granted visas only after producing the vaccination certificate. After checking the vaccination certificate an entry read as 'Valid Yellow fever Vaccination Certificate Checked' is made in the passport of the passenger.
Fact sheet
Yellow fever is endemic in 33 countries in Africa and 11 countries in South America
The virus is transmitted in two ways - the sylvatic or forest cycle and the urban cycle
Transmission begins when vector mosquitoes feed on non-human primates infected with the virus. The infected mosquitoes then feed on humans
Once contracted, the virus incubates in the body for three to six days. The infection can occur in one or two phases. The first, 'acute', phase causes fever, muscle pain with backache, headache, shivers, loss of appetite, and nausea. In most patients symptoms disappear after three to four days
15% of the patients enter the second and more toxic phase within 24 hours of the initial remission. Along with high fever, the patient rapidly develops jaundice and complains of abdominal pain with vomiting. Bleeding can occur from the mouth, nose, eyes or stomach. Once this happens, blood appears in the vomit and faeces. Kidney function deteriorates
(Source: World Health Organization)
Article Source: TimesOfIndia
The change of location is due to the technical issues related to the procurement of medical equipment. "Earlier, we had decided to set up the centre at B J Medical College attached to Sassoon Hospital, which is under the Maharashtra government's Directorate of Medical Education and Research (DMER). There were some technical issues in terms of procurement of medical paraphernalia. We have now decided to set up the centre at Aundh Civil Hospital which comes under the Maharashtra government's Directorate Public Health Department," said Vasant Gokak, senior regional director (regional office) of the Union ministry of health and family welfare.
"If everything goes as per our plans, the centre will become functional within a month," he said, adding that the Union government has also proposed to set up two more centres in Aurangabad and Nagpur.
Gokak said that the aim is to cater to the large number of people travelling to endemic countries in Africa and South America. Currently, they have to go to Mumbai to get the shot and obtain the mandatory yellow fever vaccination certificate, in the absence of which, they do not get the permission to travel.
Yellow fever is an acute viral haemorrhaegic disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes. 'Yellow' refers to jaundice that affects some patients. There is no cure for yellow fever. Treatment is symptomatic and is aimed at reducing the symptoms. "There will be a one-room facility at the government health centre. It will be manned by a medical officer and a nurse. It will offer vaccination only on fixed days and during fixed hours for those travelling to yellow-fever endemic countries," said a state health official.
Certain countries in South Africa and South America require travelers to get the yellow fever vaccination certificate. Also, people coming to India from these countries need a certificate stating that he or she is vaccinated otherwise they are quarantined at the airport hospitals and kept under observation for 10 days.
A yellow fever vaccination certificate is valid only if it conforms to the model certificate. The validity period of the international certificate is 10 years, beginning 10 days after vaccination.
Foreign nationals residing or who have passed through the yellow fever endemic countries during the preceding six days, are granted visas only after producing the vaccination certificate. After checking the vaccination certificate an entry read as 'Valid Yellow fever Vaccination Certificate Checked' is made in the passport of the passenger.
Fact sheet
Yellow fever is endemic in 33 countries in Africa and 11 countries in South America
The virus is transmitted in two ways - the sylvatic or forest cycle and the urban cycle
Transmission begins when vector mosquitoes feed on non-human primates infected with the virus. The infected mosquitoes then feed on humans
Once contracted, the virus incubates in the body for three to six days. The infection can occur in one or two phases. The first, 'acute', phase causes fever, muscle pain with backache, headache, shivers, loss of appetite, and nausea. In most patients symptoms disappear after three to four days
15% of the patients enter the second and more toxic phase within 24 hours of the initial remission. Along with high fever, the patient rapidly develops jaundice and complains of abdominal pain with vomiting. Bleeding can occur from the mouth, nose, eyes or stomach. Once this happens, blood appears in the vomit and faeces. Kidney function deteriorates
(Source: World Health Organization)
Article Source: TimesOfIndia
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